Monday, June 3, 2013

from my life to yours

i don't know what inspired me to take up a pen and take notes for the next few days
we're on retreat and i thought wel maybe someone else with communal inclinations would
benefit from a session by session synthesis...and of course my own commentary...
the retreat conferences are being presented to us by   fr. timothy radcliffe OP   and just by way of atmospheric introduction he has regaled us already with good humour he struck a good note by allowing us to laugh at ourselves a bit....a communal moment of laughing at quaint....but somehow good

retreat conf.  #1

the man states flatly
to be christian is to be alive
we are called to be signs
of christ's abundant life

he then went on for awhile about how truly simple and beautiful the sacraments are and beyond any sort of anxiety the greater church might be having about the worth of sacraments in their 7 ordered tiers of simplicity they are about life and death and drama of life of birth of sex of illness of commitment of pain of service

to be vividly alive in the sacraments
is to be involved in the dramas
of  peoples'  lives

immediately i found myself reflecting on moments in life when the sacraments served and people served me in struggle we all have for life giving life to life and the sacraments have made time and again a vivid impression of the oranic mysteries of actually being do we choose to sacralize our lives??   recently if my memory serves me just recently i was engaged in a very intense moment of sacralization of someone's life.....who was that?????....o it will come to me

holiness is enmeshed in hearing
the god who calls us to life
and this is  his endless task to express
ever anew the call to each of us to have life in him

(hear i wish to point out that i struggled this whole time about 20 minutes with a high-pitched electric frequency emanating from the PA system and found it oddly ironic that we were on such a topic as   hearing of all things  )

the thing about christ he said
was that the man had a life to give away
he gave it in prayer he gave it in compassion
he gave it in hanging out and walking and fishing with his friends boating etc
drinking wine he gave it away to women who needed him he gave it and gave it
to be fully alive is to have a life to give

a dominican miracle story
a famous dominican preacher returned one night
to his residence which was just a ways up the road
from a dominican sisters priory and it was late but he stopped
and rang the bell at the sisters place and yelled
come along sisters come one and all i had a wonderful day preaching
and i want to celebrate with you
the sisters all gathered round in wonderment and he said
here  join in a big cup of wine i have a jug here let's have a drink for god
and all his creation
so he passed the cup amongst a goodly number of sisters and
it returned to him completely full

and all were happy as could be

we are to be that joyous cup of wine
that never goes empty

from here the  (now completely beloved)   retreat preacher
addressed the religious life in general

he said to us he said he did he said
being a religious isn't just a good life...
it is that for sure it's proven itself in countless ways through the centuries of nurturing some absolutely extraordinary human beings in every possible walk of life and some that haven't been tried much yet

ultimately if it's working
it is a way of being a way of saying
with ones existence  ---  it is glorious to be
a human being
glorious in the way everything else in the world just is
and each thing is glorious by virtue of its existence alone
the human distinction is


this happens to fly in the face of
the notion of success
this is a way of god saying
all you have to do is BE
to find ourselves content in our being
content  in  the  miracle of our existence

it is a way of saying back to god
i wish to say yes with my life
each human life is urged somehow
to hear the voice calling singing whispering beckoning
by name

he invited us then to simply BE for a few days
do as little as possible just BE

i think i can do that    :)

well at this point my  TESP  radar went up with
exemplary proficiency for he began to use the word


this dominican is telling this room full of benedictines
 they have to (  we all have to  ) learn to LOLL

( i guess if i were in china i'd have to learn to lock and loll)

the culmination
of the human vocation
is to
rest in God

a simple question to ask oneself
AM     I      ALIVE   ?

i shall plan to make a review of the retreat conferences as they are given this week thereby extending by word in a somewhat of a wavelength manner some sustenance that might be gained by the many and varied pilgrims surfing the cosmos



  1. this is lovely
    thanks for sharing!

    i find myself asking myself
    what was it that was sacralized
    in my life on march 30-31?
    a desire expand my experience
    of christian community?
    to open myself to and
    incorporate myself within
    a larger christian community
    than i had previously known?
    to say "this too is my family"?
    is that what happened?
    that's what it looks like to me

    i love what fr radcliffe said
    about the religious life--
    to say with one's existence
    that it is glorious to be
    a human being

    what a beautiful thought

    thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Before reading the newer posts
    i decided to come back and start over
    at the beginning

    on rereading this post
    i find a certain sadness
    welling up within me

    sadness because
    something in me hesitates
    to believe the good news

    this idea
    that all we have to do
    is BE

    is that for all of us?
    is that for parish Catholics too?
    or is that only for religious?

    they didn't teach me that
    in RCIA
    and if i were to say something like that
    in the parish
    i have a feeling that i would get
    some quizzical looks

    if timothy radcliffe
    were to write down these conferences
    and publish them in a book
    they might still be viewed
    with suspicion in my parish
    my fellow Catholics
    would look for the imprimatur
    and if it wasn't there
    the content would be dismissed

    so what am i to do
    when i hear good news about God
    when my heart wants to revel in it
    but is afraid of being rejected
    if i were to share it
    with my new faith community?


  3. maybe we need to distinguish
    between religious life and "religious" life
    your life is no less religious
    your dedication is no less than mine
    perhaps more i would suspect on most days
    your dedication to faith is more intense than mine
    more attentive more focussed

    i happen to live in a place where it is daily fodder
    daily feed

    you might be surprised how people are open
    to something so fresh and innocent as
    god wills us to be
    simply be

    ultimately perhaps it is just up to those who believe such audacity to live it out and regard others with just that same audacity a sort of daring to see others as god must see them...whether they understand it that way or not

    sorry to get back to this so late...where has the summer gone...has there been much by way of flourishing

    i do appreciate your little investment here



