Tuesday, November 22, 2011

cecilian community

what could it mean to have a community
founded on music
a community where the presentation of music
is the foremost reason for existence
and perhaps with the understanding that
the music presented is always presented to god
as best we can know
and this requires discipline the community is
disciplined by the demands
of music and everyday people in the community arise
and realize they are required to make music
and the music must correspond with what the day means
and what the day could mean in a less than perfect realm

people are attracted to music like
deer to running streams

music fire and food
these are community things

the ideal is the effort to get the music right
little else matters

it's worth a try

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

rings of communion

each day our lives are like
the ripples made when a stone
is tossed into a quiet pond

many stones many ripples
each life expanding out in concentric rings
rings merging into rings
rippling small waves through one another
like so much moving water

the rings defy the downward motion of water
they go horizontal
they roll out and collide with other rings
and the rings bob on the surface
dancing and intersecting
 become momentarily one
with a whole series of concentric rings
one following the other
gyrating and jerking on the surface
rings which seek the shore
and then seek even more
the placid state of certainty
where only the faint memory of expanding rings
kiss against the stones